As endeavours go, setting up your own company to produce gratings is not necessarily a guaranteed route to success. However, if – on top of boldly rethinking processes and procedures – you add industry-specific knowledge to the mix, this project may just end up being a good idea. And good ideas have been our constant companion since our company was founded in 1974.
But good ideas aren't just found lying around. We observe, think, develop and completely redesign both work processes and technologies. Day in and day out.
"Doing something differently is only worthwhile if it makes things better."
In addition to being the innovation leader within the grating industry, this also gives rise to something else: exciting projects that motivate us to find intelligent solutions, time and again.

And what does all this have to do with the fox?
For starters, we share many of our business traits with the cunning fox. Skilful and intelligent, it attains its goals using above-average powers of observation and a strategic approach. It is quick, adaptable, wise, and at times shows a humorous shrewdness. The fox is a loyal animal, full of gentleness and fiercely protective of its family unit.
These are values and traits with which we identify as a company and which guide our daily actions. This GI-RO posture permeates everything we do. And since 2023, it has also been pervasive in our brand identity.

Only those who abandon familiar paths
will find new paths that lead to success..
Never short of ingenuity
We have never been afraid to go outside our comfort zone. Because for us, when it comes to gratings, smart thinking means consistently thinking out of the box. It's quite simple: the fact that a particular solution has not yet been developed does not mean it can never exist. Provided it makes sense.
Here at GI-RO, we live by this assumption and closely scrutinise special projects and all their associated requirements. The conclusions from our analyses often result in a new approach that can save you time, money and resources. Incidentally, offering a large assortment of the most in-demand products is an equally smart approach. With delivery times under 24 hours. We call this the GI-RO Express Service. And it's every bit as fast as it sounds.