Dirt, oil, grease or water on floor coverings that can be walked on or driven over always means an increased risk of slipping. However, thanks to our gratings and stair treads with special slip resistance, you can enjoy good grip in every situation. Slip resistance is achieved by providing bearing bars and/or crossbars with different recesses. Depending on the profile, our gratings thus meet the requirements of the R10 to R12 rating classes.
The BG regulation BGR181 or DGUV regulation 108-003 "Floors in workrooms and work areas with slip hazards" compiles all information on the slip resistance of floor coverings in wet workrooms. This can provide you with the required slip resistance class for your application.
The following table shows the different combinations and corresponding serration classes for our gratings and stair treads. The test certificates for this are available in our download area.
Do you have further questions or a special requirement regarding slip resistance? Feel free to contact us!